Phar-East 2020, Singapore (Republic of Singapore)
Singapore Singapore, SingaporePhar-East 2020, Singapore (Republic of Singapore) 30 Giugno - 1 Luglio 2020
Phar-East 2020, Singapore (Republic of Singapore) 30 Giugno - 1 Luglio 2020
MedtecLIVE 2020, Norimberga (Germany) 30 Giugno - 2 Luglio 2020
SIBBM 2020 – Frontiers in Molecular Biology, Padova (Italy) 1- 3 Luglio 2020
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Saudi International Medlab Expo 2020
The 2nd Saudi International Pharma Expo is the only platform that brings together local and international companies specialized in the manufacture and marketing of medicines in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The exhibition, through the previous ones, have succeeded to reach most of those who work and have interest in the pharmaceutical sector. It also […]
DRUG SUPPLY CHAIN Algoritmi predittivi e tracciabilità per una Logistica 4.0 sostenibile 10 Dicembre 2020, Milano - UNAHOTELS Expo Fiera 10 Dicembre 2020
This unique and special event, a collaboration between the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), is bringing together two of the biggest events in the microbial sciences, ASM Microbe 2021 and FEMS2021, to further science and help answer some of the most important questions impacting humankind. Additional scientific societies, including the American Society for Virology […]